Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency appreciates the overnight closures of the key route between the Bay of Plenty and the Waikato regions, will be disruptive. Photo / George Novak
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency appreciates the overnight closures of the key route between the Bay of Plenty and the Waikato regions, will be disruptive. Photo / George Novak
Roadworks on State Highway 1 at Rangiriri are coming to an end, but State Highway 29 over the Kaimai Range will be closed for long periods overnight for resurfacing.
Work on the road starts on December 10 and would take five days to complete.
It would be undertaken using night-time, one-way closures of three and a half hours each way at set times to allow truck companies to coordinate their journeys. That meant people would need to take alternative routes if they wish to travel between the regions or refer to the table of times at the bottom of this story.
“We are undertaking the work at night to minimise the overall impact on road users. We know that some people will be affected by this work, however it is critical that we complete the resurfacing this summer to keep this important route safe and accessible.”
Motorists were encouraged to check the journey planner at journeys.nzta.govt.nz and allow extra time for their journey, or if possible, delay travel over SH29.
The recommended alternative route is SH2 through the Karangahake Gorge, as this would avoid delays through the worksites on SH33, which is another alternative route that could be used.
For commercial vehicles, the best option was to stay on SH29 and co-ordinate journeys with the opening times on the work sites.
There would be both full and partial closures to allow the maintenance work to take place while still allowing traffic, particularly trucks, to plan their journey across the Kaimai Range.
“At set times, SH29 will open for a three-and-a-half-hour window to allow for traffic to pass through. During the three-and-a-half-hour period, the road will only open to one direction, switching to the other direction for the next three-and-a-half-hour window,” Ryan said.
Remediation work on the southbound lanes of SH1 at Rangiriri, with all traffic using the northbound lanes. Photo / Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
There would be access for residents and emergency vehicles. Residents should liaise with the traffic control teams on the site. Works are weather-dependent.
During the closures, vehicles will be held at the State Highway 24 and State Highway 28 intersection near Te Poi on the Waikato side, and at the intersection of SH29 and Cambridge Road on the Bay of Plenty side. During the day the road will reopen to two lanes.
On the eastern side of the Kaimai Range, contractors would be completing chipseal work between McLaren Falls Road and Kaimai School, commencing on December 14 and continuing for five nights.
There would be a temporary speed limit in place of 30km/h while the works were taking place. During this time, contractors would also carry out other maintenance focusing on drainage, replacing reflective markers and removing detritus build-up on bridges.
Meanwhile, work in the southbound lanes at Rangiriri was finishing this week but traffic would remain on single lanes in each direction while smaller repairs are made and flexible safety barriers are back in place.
A small night-time detour will also be required tonight and tomorrow night, 8pm to 6am, taking traffic up the Rangiriri off-ramp and back to SH1 on the Rangiriri on-ramp.
The 4.8km Rangiriri section of the expressway will reopen on all four lanes in mid-December with a temporary speed limit of 70km/h until final sealing in autumn.