Further closures are coming up in Hamilton and Pokeno.
The Ōhaupō work took six weeks to complete. The 520-metre structural asphalt road rebuild was extensive and complicated, New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi said.
Contractors needed to dig down 450mm to remove the existing road surface and build it back up, layer by layer, to achieve a new smooth asphalt road surface.
During construction, it was found the underlying ground strength was poor, so the new road was reconstructed using four layers of asphalt to build it back up to the original height.
NZTA said they acknowledged how disruptive this work was for residents, shop owners and the general public, and thanked everyone for their patience over the past six weeks.
The work was part of the Government’s $2.07 billion investment into road and drainage renewal and maintenance across 2024-27 via the State Highway Pothole Prevention fund.
For more up-to-date information, visit the NZTA Journey Planner at journeys.nzta.govt.nz.
Waikato road works in March
● SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru
Light vehicles can use SH1 to the SH1/SH46 intersection and access SH46 to connect to SH47. SH46 isn’t HPMV approved — a permit is required.
The official detour remains the same, via SH41, SH47, SH4, SH49 and back to SH1 in Waiouru (and vice versa). This adds between 30 and 40 minutes to journeys.
The northern section of SH1 between Tūrangi and Rangipō is open to traffic.
The newly rebuilt section is under traffic management (including a temporary speed limit) until the chip is adequately bedded in and the section can be swept and line marked.
The remainder of the maintenance work on Desert Rd is progressing well and expected to be completed mid-March.
While the road rebuild in Ōhaupō, south of Hamilton was completed recently, there are still a lot of roadworks happening around Waikato. Photo / Dean Purcell
There is a new temporary speed limit at the intersection of SH4 and SH47 at National Park, which is the detour while SH1 Desert Rd is closed. The speed is reduced to 50km/h while this road is being used as a detour. NZTA added warning signs, including “Queues ahead” and “Major intersection ahead”.
At the request of the NZ Police, NZTA also put in a temporary speed limit of 70km/h at the intersection of SH41 and SH47.
SH1 is closed from SH1/Princes St, Putāruru to Vosper Rd/SH1 Lichfield intersection for about four weeks due to road rebuilding from Domain Rd to Pinedale Rd.
There will also be some night closures in early April for the final surfacing of the road rebuilds completed last year between Vospers Rd and Rollett Rd. All north and southbound vehicles will be detoured 24/7.
The northbound detour is via Vospers Rd, Kells Ln, Lichfield Rd, Golf St, Arapuni St, Princes St.
The southbound detour is via Princes St, Arapuni St, Grey St, Lichfield Rd and Vospers Rd.
Northbound and Southbound heavy vehicles are asked to detour via SH5 Rotorua.
SH1 is closed for about 5 weeks to rebuild the southern end and finish the safety improvements and road rebuilding closer to Ātiamuri.
The closure is from the SH1/SH30 intersection to the SH1/SH5 intersection (Wairakei Roundabout). All north and southbound vehicles will be detoured 24/7.
The detour for light vehicles, meaning all vehicles you can drive on a Class 1 license, is via SH30, SH32 and Poihipi Rd to Wairakei Dr and vice versa. This will add 30 minutes to journeys.
The heavy vehicles detour for northbound and southbound traffic is via SH5 Rotorua, which adds 43 minutes to the journey.
● SH25 Tairua
Repairs to a large underslip at Pumpkin Hill near Sailors Grave Road, north of Tairua, are under way. The road is reduced to a single lane as our contractors rebuild the road surface. Temporary traffic lights will be in place 24/7 to manage traffic flows through the site.
Work to replace a culvert at Boom Stream Bridge will begin in early March. This will involve shoulder closures and a temporary speed restriction, with occasional lane closures. This work is weather-dependent and expected to take up to six weeks to complete.
● SH25 between Coromandel township and Te Rerenga
NZTA contractors will start work this month to stabilise and remove material from a previous slip site.
The road will be reduced to a single lane with stop/go traffic management and a temporary speed restriction in place. This work is weather-dependent and expected to take two to three weeks to complete.
From Wednesday to Friday this week, work will take place on Albert St in Thames from 8pm to 6am each day. There will be a full road closure of SH25 between Cochrane St and Pollen St.
● SH26 Onetai Stream Bridge Replacement
Work is under way to replace the Onetai Stream Bridge, on SH26 between Puriri and Hikutaia.
The road is closed to all trafficwhile the old bridge is demolished and the new bridge deck is installed.
Northbound traffic will use SH2, Orchard and Bush Rds and SH25. Southbound traffic will use SH25, Hauraki Rd and SH2. There will be access to all businesses along SH26 throughout construction.
Resealing works on SH27 outside the Matamata Aero Club continue, with stage one having been completed and stage two now underway. There is stop/go traffic management in place until Sunday, March 9.
● SH29 Te Poi
A road rebuild will begin in Te Poi between Te Poi Rd and Stopford Rd on Monday, March 10 with completion due on March 23.
While the work is taking place the road will be closed to all traffic 24/7.
Traffic (light vehicles) will be detoured via Te Poi Rd and SH24 or Te Poi South Rd and SH28 adding about five minutes to journeys along SH29.
Heavy vehicles will be detoured via SH27, SH24 and SH28 adding about 15 minutes.
A road rebuild is under way, with stop/go traffic management in place between 6am and 6pm. The work will continue through to mid-March. Ten-minute delays can be expected.
● SH1/SH5 Taupō
Drivers travelling near the Taupō Commercial Vehicle Safety Centre — under construction at the SH1/SH5 roundabout — need to be aware of changing road layouts and speed restrictions, NZTA said.
Contractors are installing in-road weigh-in-motion scales and associated camera technology and signage boards until May. These are being installed on five of the roads heading towards the safety centre, including SH1 and SH5. Temporary lanes and speed restrictions will be in place.
A road rebuild is underway on SH5 north of Wairakei, weekdays between 6am and 6pm. This work is expected to be finished by Friday. There is stop/go traffic management in place with a reduced speed limit 24/7. Delays are to be expected.
● SH5 Waimakariri Rd
Work will begin shortly to create a right turn bay southbound into Waimakariri Rd on SH5 in South Waikato. The work and new seal will be done from Tuesday to March 28. There will be stop/go and speed restrictions in place while the work is ongoing.
● SH32 Whakamaru to Kuratau
For three days from Tuesday, resurfacing will take place on SH32, south of Whakamaru and Tihoi and just north of Kuratau. While this resurfacing takes place there will be stop/go traffic management in place with temporary speed limits.
For six nights from Sunday, resurfacing work will take place near Grey St and Galloway St roundabout from 8pm to 5am.
There will be a road closure in place between Cobham Dr and Wairere Dr with a detour for light vehicles via Cobham Dr, Anzac Parade, Grey St, Clyde St, and Wairere Dr to rejoin SH1C.
Heavy vehicles, HPMV’s and over-dimension will be stacked and released. The Galloway St roundabout will be resurfaced the week commencing March 16.
● SH1/SH29 Piarere intersection
The SH1, Hamilton approach is now open with a temporary lane shift to allow for completion of the centre median and hard landscaping.
Council contractors are replacing a large water main between Carroll St and Duke St in Te Kūiti. This is estimated to take about five weeks.
Once completed, a road rebuild will begin and is due to be completed in May. During work, there will be a single-lane closure on Carroll St with northbound traffic detoured via Taupiri St for light vehicles and Te Kumi Station Rd, Esplanade and Te Kūiti Rd for trucks and heavy vehicles.
● SH3 Rukuhia
A road rebuild is under way on SH3 between Rukuhia Rd and Narrows Rd, with work expected to be complete in late March.
The work will take place between 7am and 5pm each day and it will be completed one lane at a time.
The lane not being worked on will be open to northbound traffic at all times.
A 24/7 southbound detour will be in place for light vehicles via Raynes Rd and SH21 Airport Rd to rejoin SH3. Rukuhia Rd will remain open at all times but will only be left in and left out.
Residents travelling southbound will be required to use the detour route to travel north to access properties.
Buses, heavy vehicles, HPMV’s and over-dimension vehicles will be stacked and released to align with the bus timetable.
● SH30 Bennydale
A second road rebuild site near Kiwi Pl is under way and expected to be completed by mid-March.
Enabling works will be done first between 7am and 7pm each day with stop/go traffic management in place. Once the site has been prepared, the road rebuild will start, with stop/go traffic management in place and a temporary speed limit of 30km/h. Delays of up to 20 minutes can be expected.
There will be a full northbound closure on Tuesday between 9pm and 5am for maintenance.
Please use the recommended detour via Great South Rd, Pōkeno Rd, Helenslee Rd, Razorback Rd and Nikau Rd.
SH1 northbound to SH2 eastbound link will be closed as part of this closure. Please travel along SH1 to turn around at Bombay Interchange and drive south to the SH1 southbound to SH2 link.
SH2 westbound to SH1 northbound link will be closed as part of this closure. Please travel along SH1 to turn around at Mercer Interchange and drive north.
There will be a full northbound closure on Wednesday, March 5 between 10pm and 5am for maintenance.
Traffic will still be able to travel north using one of the southbound lanes. Please slow down and follow traffic management instructions.
There will be no access to Pioneer Rd to/from SH1.
Motorists travelling from Pioneer Rd to SH1 northbound will be detoured at Nikau Rd to turn around and drive south using one of the southbound lanes. Please slow down and follow traffic management instructions.
● SH1 Pōkeno Interchange to Mercer Interchange
There will be a full southbound closure on Thursday, March 6 between 10pm and 5am for maintenance.
Traffic will still be able to travel south using one of the northbound lanes. Please slow down and follow traffic management instructions.
Pōkeno southbound on-ramp will also be closed between 9pm and 5am. Please use the alternative on-ramp at Nikau Rd.
● SH2 Okaeria Rd to Steen Rd
Stop/go traffic management will be in place until Wednesday, March 5 between 9pm and 5am for maintenance. Please slow down and follow traffic management instructions.
● SH1/SH2 Link to Oleary Rd
On Wednesday, March 5 between 9pm and 5pm, SH1 southbound link to SH2 eastbound link will be closed for maintenance.
Please follow SH1 south to Pōkeno southbound off-ramp. Traffic will be able to turn around and re-enter the motorway using Pōkeno northbound on-ramp. Head north on SH1 and use the SH1 northbound to SH2 link.
● SH5 Napier to Taupō
Recovery alliance Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) continues to progress safety improvements, as well as repair, recovery and maintenance activities at multiple sites on SH5 between Eskdale and Waipunga.