Voters are split over whether Judith Collins she should step down as a minister, a new political poll shows.
Results of a Colmar Brunton poll on TVNZ's Q + A programme this morning showed 42 per cent of those surveyed supported Ms Collins maintaining her ministerial portfolios. The same amount of people believed her resignation as a minister was in order, with the remaining amount unsure of what she should do.
Ms Collins took stress leave this week, following weeks of criticism over her links with dairy company Oravida.
Unanswered questions over a dinner between Ms Collins, Oravida bosses and an unnamed Chinese border control official late last year have fuelled the conflict-of-interest affair.
Today's Colmar Brunton poll also showed 50 per cent of people believed Ms Collins' behaviour had damaged the National party's level of public support. Forty-two per cent of those surveyed disagreed, and said her behaviour had not made any difference.