A convoy of classic cars raising funds for Kiwi kids sounds like a great idea, but it takes skill to keep the sometimes elderly vehicles going - particularly given the distances many of them cover.
And the Automobile Association's service crews and the RNZAF have again fronted up to assist, as well as the Medics - in case the occasionally equally creaky crews need a hand!
The AA has long been a supporter of the Variety Bash, after all its member-focussed ethos gels well with the Bash philosophy of helping Kiwi kids.
As for the Air Force, it provides young mechanics with experience of having to think on their feet, and come up with rapid mechanical solutions often in less than ideal situations - the roadside, in place of organised workshops.
As for the medics, those lime-green wigs and crazy sunglasses thinly disguise a professional crew, now regulars on the event.