Smashing a large glass window to gain entry, glass fragments damaged soft toys stacked on displays for sale, Mrs Tickner said.
"It's quite annoying," she said. "It's a real hassle. We've had to throw away all the soft toys. We can't sell them like that. It's just wanton vandalism ... We are [a] charitable organisation."
While there had been a burglary at the premises a few years ago, staff were still baffled by Sunday's break in, she said.
"Everyone is quite cheesed off. They are finding it hard to understand why something like this would happen. Why someone would want to do this. It's a very frustrating thing to have happen."
Pukaha board chairman Bob Francis said they had an alarm system linked to a security company but as an added security measure they would be looking at tightening up access to the site after hours.
"It's quite frustrating. It's [a] real concern ... we plan to make it harder for them to get in," he said.
Ironically, the throwing out of white kiwi stuffed toys happens just as Mapuna, the third white kiwi hatched at the centre undergoes delicate eye surgery at Massey University's Wildbase Hospital. The kiwi, the last of three rare kiwi to be hatched at the centre since 2011, was hatched with an incompletely formed tear duct.
It has been treated by staff for the last three years with opthalmic vet Kellam Bayley performing the surgery on September 11, clearing the blockage and placing a stent in the passage to keep it clear.
It will be removed in six weeks.
If anyone has any information on this burglary please call Pahiatua Police on (06) 376 0130.