"He has an out-of-control addiction which started as a kitten," said owner Alisha Wiseman.
"No matter how dirty, far away or large in size it is, if it's in reach he'll get it and bring it back into the cat flap of our house in the early parts of the morning . We've woken up - and this has included many houses we've lived in over the years - with clothes all over our house with a proud cat showing off."
Wiseman said their family feline can pilfer up to eight items in one night, ranging from lacy underwear to bigger items such as jeans and jackets.
She said they are constantly surprised by what the cat has dragged in, and the extent of his roaming turf.
"The last person to contact us lives ages away and it's quite a steep hill so that must have been a busy night.
"He comes in and does this really loud 'meow' so we know he's done it again."
Wiseman says her family often has the uncomfortable task of trying to locate the original owners.
Surrounded by his spoils, Bo has a repeat history of stealing clothing from local homes. Photo / Supplied
"We go up and down the street saying 'are these your undies?' Some people don't believe us at first, but they are usually happy to know it's not anything more sinister.
"Most people are glad to know that there's not a weirdo with a fetish for their clothes."