If you are from Mt Albert and 31 or younger, chances are Ces Pettit has helped you to get to or from school.
For the past 26 years, Mr Pettit has been helping young school-bound pupils on their way.
The 76-year-old first started helping out in 1982, when he volunteered to supervise school crossings at Owairaka Primary.
Then, around 17 years later, Mr Pettit decided to do something more to help Kiwi kids get to school by joining Auckland's first walking bus at Gladstone School in Mt Albert.
"I woke up one morning to a note in my letterbox asking if I could help with the walking bus," he said. "I'd go for a walk at any rate so I thought I might as well do that."
Thus, every morning and afternoon since 1999, Mr Pettit has walked with primary school pupils to and from Gladstone Primary. He has only ever missed one day - when he had to keep a medical appointment.
Mr Pettit says he enjoys the company of children. "There's a lot a laughs," he said. "I could write a book about half the stuff they tell me."
As well as helping out children, Mr Pettit also helps out "anyone and everyone" in the local community.
For "at least the last 20 years" Mr Pettit has done people's shopping and banking when they are unable to do it themselves, as well as mowing their lawns.
He also works as a volunteer at local businesses; sweeping up hair at the hairdressers or looking after the hardware store at lunchtime while the owner is on his break.
Mr Pettit says he does it for himself more than anyone else. "It's time on your hands. I've nothing else to do. I'd rather be out there than sitting at home all day."