The attacks occurred on Otiria Rd, Moerewa, on Thursday as the children were walking to school. Photo / Peter de Graaf
The attacks occurred on Otiria Rd, Moerewa, on Thursday as the children were walking to school. Photo / Peter de Graaf
Two children have been attacked by dogs — leaving one in hospital with leg and back injuries — within 20 minutes on one Mid North street.
One of the two dogs seized after Thursday morning's attacks is thought to have been involved in both incidents.
Far North District Council environmental services manager Darren Edwards said the first attack occurred about 8.10am on Otiria Rd, Moerewa, when a 15-year-old boy was set upon by a large brown and white dog and a smaller cream-coloured dog.
The boy's sister, who witnessed the attack, managed to scare the dogs off. The boy was treated at Moerewa Medical Services for injuries to one arm, his legs and back.
The second attack occurred just 20 minutes later, also on Otiria Rd.
In that case, an 11-year-old girl was attacked by a dog also described as large and brown and white in colour.
Edwards said it was fortunate nearby workers heard the attack and were able to pull the dog off the girl. She was taken to Bay of Islands Hospital in Kawakawa with injuries to her legs and back.
The attacks occurred on Otiria Rd, Moerewa, on Thursday as the children were walking to school. Photo / Peter de Graaf
The attacks underlined the need for all owners to make sure their dogs were under control at all times, Edwards said.
''These attacks are both extremely serious, with two young people requiring medical treatment. Thankfully, the quick actions of family members and others prevented more serious injuries,'' Edwards said.
''I want to commend the actions of those who helped stop these attacks and provided descriptions of the dogs involved. This allowed Animal Management Officers to quickly identify and seize the two dogs. This assistance likely saved others from being attacked.''
Council staff had been in contact with the victims and their families to let them know both dogs were now secured in a pound. The families would be kept informed as an investigation continued.
It was likely both dogs would be destroyed, Edwards said.
Police also responded to the attacks. Sergeant Phil Le Comte said the victims suffered bite wounds to their legs, arms and lower bodies. Both had received medical treatment and tetanus shots, one at a clinic and the other in hospital.
It was believed at least one of the dogs was involved in both attacks.
The investigation was being carried out by council animal control staff, who had identified the owner.
Meanwhile, a dog involved in an attack on a Mid North postie has been returned to its owner. That attack occurred late last month on Kowhai Ave, Kaikohe.
In that case the dog, which was registered, was seized while the attack was investigated.
The owner's property was inspected and control notices and fines were issued to the dog owner.
After considering the evidence and other factors related to the incident, the council decided not to prosecute the owner so the dog was returned.
Animal control officers would re-inspect the property to make sure the owner was complying with the control notice and keeping the dog under control.
The latest incidents came after a series of serious attacks over recent months in Kaipara and the Far North.
In the most publicised case, 95-year-old Jim Morgan was walking on Harold Ave, Kaikohe, with his dog Sandy when they were attacked in December last year.
Sandy's injuries were so severe the Jack Russell, which Morgan described as his best mate, had to be put down. The offending dogs were never found despite the offer of a $1000 reward by a member of the public.
In February, Morgan was bitten by another dog which had been allowed to wander from a Harold Ave property.