By Calum Henderson
The Act (Lightbox)
Every time a new true crime series comes out I always think the same thing. "Boy, they've really done it this time," I'll say, shaking my head in amazement. "Surely things can't get any wilder than this."
I should know better by now. Repeatedly this genre has proven me wrong: as sure as day follows night, things always get wilder. Lightbox's new series, The Act, hot off the undersea cables from American streaming platform Hulu, might be the wildest true crime thing I've seen yet.
The first series of what is envisioned as an American Horror Story style true crime anthology is a dramatisation of the tragic story of Dee Dee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy. There's no real mystery to unravel: in 2015 Gypsy and her boyfriend murdered Dee Dee in the home she and Gypsy had shared in Springfield, Missouri. It's the circumstances which led to the murder that make it worthy of an eight-episode series.