Expressions of Interest
The Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust, operating as the Lowe Corporation Rescue Helicopter is seeking expressions of interest from persons interested in becoming a Trustee.
The Board consists of six (6) independent Trustees, each serving a 3 year term, with 2 Trustees retiring by rotation each year. Retiring Trustees are eligible for reappointment for a new 3 year term.
Under the Deed all Trustees are appointed by an independent external Appointments Panel representing the communities of Hawke's Bay. The appointments take effect from the Trust's AGM in June.
Trustees are expected to have skills in the areas of leadership, governance, financial management and commercial law, and have considerable business or commercial experience and networks. All Trustees are unpaid.
Applicants who wish to express an interest are asked to contact Ian Wilmot, General Manager of Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust on 021 470 781 or email to obtain a copy of the Trustee's Brief and to discuss the appointments process.