The Silver Fern with Southern Cross design picked up the most votes, with 25.15 per cent of voters choosing it. The flag holds on to the traditional navy blue background and Southern Cross on the right, but has a silver fern - with a black panel on the left - running where the Union Jack would be.
The second most popular flag was Kyle Lockwood's original Silver Fern Flag - very similar to the top choice, but with a red panel on the top left.
The least popular flag was Design 1, which features a black, white and red panelled flag with a black silver fern in the middle.
A total of 1865 people participated in the poll, which ended just after 3pm.
People are being encouraged to submit ideas towards a new national flag on the website: The deadline is July 16.
The public can also have their say on the site.
The results
1. Heritage Minimalist 4.4%
2. New New Zealand Flag 3.97%
3. Long White Cloud 6.06%
4. Three Islands. One Land 1.13%
5. Silver Fern Flag Kyle Lockwood's original 23.06%
6. Kiwi: Air Force 1.4%
7. Design 1 0.38%
8. Matariki Long White Cloud 3.81%
9. Manawa 9.12%
10. Silver Fern 10.57%
11. Silver Fern with Southern Cross 25.15%
12. United New Zealand 6.49%
13. Kiwi, Aotearoa, Oceans East & West 0.54%
14. Contemporary 0.65%
15. Long White Cloud Southern Cross 3.33%
Flag it
• Submit a design at
. The deadline is July 16.
• Roadshow meetings over the next week are on the West Coast and in Nelson.
• Have a say at