JANUARY: Third party applications begin - nine listed so far: Anthony John Gavigan; Foundation for Economic Growth; Free Speech Coalition Trust; Michael Henry Horton; NZ Conservative Party; NZ Council of Trade Unions; NZ Public Service Association; NZ Unions of Students' Associations; Terrence Dell.
APRIL: Labour Party delegates are advised to get around the act by distributing Government department leaflets on policies such as KiwiSaver and Working for Families - advice cancelled by Prime Minister.Parliamentary Service allows parties to put election-ad authorisation on taxpayer funded material.
MAY: Treasury pulls all reference to "Labour-led" Government from Budget press pack for fear it breaches the Electoral Finance Act.Commission is split over whether party logos are election advertisements.
JUNE: Prime Minister's Office issues post-Budget leafletfeaturing American family, paid for by Parliament but authorised as an election ad. Experts say it may have to be a "donation" to Labour from Parliament.
* Labour leaflet "We're Making a Difference" is in breach because it is not properly authorised as an election ad.
* Act leaflet "Not Your Typical Party" would be in breach if it were published but decision pending on whether distribution to journalist means "published."
* Trevor Mallard's car is in breach because it is not properly authorised.
* New Zealand First advertisement on China Free Trade Agreement "What's In It For Us?" Decision pending.
* National Party Wellington regional MPs' van - decision pending.
* Annette King's fridge magnet is not an election advertisement.
* National Party pamphlet "Join the Conversation." Decision pending.
* National Party booklet "Blue green Vision for New Zealand." Not an election ad.
* National challenges Electoral Commission over how it handles EPMU application for third party registration and wins. Electoral Commission is now considering EPMU application.
* National challenges Electoral Commission for not referring Labour Party leaflet "We're Making a Difference" to the police despite finding it breached the act. Electoral Commission wins.
* Groups including campaigner John Boscawen challenge Attorney General for not having declared the bill a breach of the Bill of Rights Act. Decision pending.
* Member of public refers Labour's leaflet "We're Making a Difference" to the police. Decision pending.