I had been in Parliament for only a few months. I was sitting in my office doing some paperwork late at night and watching the House debate on my TV. I saw and heard one of my colleagues talking in the debate and their speech was a bit slurred
and they looked like they had had a couple of drinks. I vowed that that would never be me.
I enjoy a drink or two. I drank less when in public office because the job was bigger than me. I needed to be fully functional, I didn’t want to be drunk in charge of my portfolios and I knew the spotlight was glaring on me.
The hours really are long. The House sits until 10pm on a Tuesday and Wednesday night. There are always functions on and there is generally alcohol available at all of them. I have a wild side and the only way I could keep my vow was to not have even one drink if I was on duty or there was a chance I would be called into the House.
I can’t comment on Mayor Tory Whanau’s declaration that she has a drinking problem. That is for her to state and for her to sort out. I do think the photographing and videoing of public figures when they are in their own time is becoming too common and is a complete invasion of privacy. I was always conscious that what I was doing or saying could be recorded and have been lucky enough to be surrounded with awesome family and friends that would keep an eye out for me when we were out.