Ryan Kuggeleijn, a graduate with BP Oil, answers questions about being a member of New Zealand Army's territorial force.
Does BP Oil New Zealand have to let you take time off work to be with the Army's territorial force?
BP has been accommodating, allowing me to take leave as requested. Obviously conditions apply - I have to give a reasonable amount of notice and try to avoid clashes with key events at work. Although I've had no problems, there is legislation which provides the opportunity for reserve forces to train without risking loss of employment.
What are the legislated maximum periods of protected volunteer service?
As a territorial force officer, I'm entitled to the following amounts of protected service or training a year: up to three weeks for routine part-time service or training, such as field exercises; up to three months for whole-time service or training, such as initial basic training, officer commissioning courses and short-term domestic operations; up to 12 months for deployments made under a Government declared situation of national interest, although no current New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) operations fall into this.
What if the NZDF sent you overseas for months at a time and BP New Zealand can't spare you?
My employer can appeal when my absence would cause undue hardship on the business. Beyond this, any employer may request an alternative time for leave which better fits its circumstances.
Would you have to resign if BP New Zealand couldn't give you the time off?
I have heard of some reservists leaving their employment, usually when extended periods of leave are needed for deployments, such as Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands. We are encouraged to maintain good relationships with employers. In most cases this is not a problem.
What happens when a suitable solution can't be resolved between a reservist and the employer?
The Territorial Forces Employer Support Council (TFESC) interacts with employers regarding their concerns. Council members are national business and community leaders appointed by the Minister of Defence. Every effort is made by the TFESC and unit commanders to resolve issues through consultation.
Does BP New Zealand have to pay you while you are undertaking force activities?
Employers can choose to continue to pay their employee while they are undertaking reserve service or training, but in most cases employees take leave without pay or use annual leave entitlements.
What do reserve forces get paid by the NZDF? Can your Army activity be at any time of the year?
Pay depends on rank, skills, training and qualifications. Daily pay rates will shortly be adjusted to ensure equity with our regular force peers, but NZDF pay rates are acknowledged to be between 5 and 15 per cent below equivalent market rates. Deployments can occur at any time but most training is scheduled in the evenings or weekends. Some exercises or activities occur at similar times every year to avoid conflict with seasonal or academic activities.
What sort of skills might people like you learn in the Reserve Forces? Is there an age limit?
Reservists gain competencies and experience through formal courses, training and daily activities as they put their skills to practice and advance in responsibility and leadership abilities. There is no age limit for anybody but we must meet minimum medical, dental and physical fitness standards on joining, and maintain them to continue serving.