2. More pings renew hope of finding MH370
After a navy ship heard more signals from deep in the Indian Ocean, the head of the search for the missing Malaysian jetliner said he believes the hunt is closing in on the "final resting place" of Flight 370.
"I'm now optimistic that we will find the aircraft, or what is left of the aircraft, in the not-too-distant future," said Angus Houston, the Australian official coordinating the search for the Malaysian Airlines jet. "But we haven't found it yet, because this is a very challenging business."
3. Owners of strife-hit Warriors set to split
Sir Owen Glenn offered to buy the Warriors outright from co-owner Eric Watson but then offered to sell his shares when Watson's valuation was "grossly excessive,'' according to Sir Owen. The pair have fallen out and a split between the multimillionaires seems imminent.
4. Brash: I considered ending my life
Don Brash. Photo / Greg Bowker
Former Reserve Bank governor Don Brash considered taking his own life "to end the pain" following the failure of his two marriages.
In his autobiography Incredible Luck published today, the man who led the National Party for three years says the end of both his marriages had been "hugely painful" - and in both cases had led him "to the point of contemplating suicide".
5. Pistorius grilled by 'Pit-bull' prosecutor
Gerrie Nel. Photo / AP
Oscar Pistorius was left shaken after an extremely graphic photograph of Reeva Steenkamp's head wound was shown in court as State Prosecutor Gerrie Nel began his cross-examination demanding he "take responsibility" for killing his girlfriend.
6. Teen wielding knives slashes, stabs classmates
A 16-year-old armed with two knives went on a stabbing and slashing spree at a high school near Pittsburgh, leaving as many as 20 people injured, including a school police officer who eventually subdued the boy with the help of an assistant principal, police said.
7. Heartbleed: What you need to know
Millions of passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information may be at risk as a result of a major breakdown in Internet security revealed earlier this week. Here are answers to some common questions about Heartbleed and how you can protect yourself.
8. Recalls over safety concerns
Photo / AP
Up to 40,000 vehicles are being recalled by Toyota New Zealand as part of a global recall by the Japanese car manufacturer. More than six million of the brand's vehicles are being recalled after faults were found in mechanisms affecting the steering wheel column and the seat rail.
9. Singing priest shocks wedding
A priest shocked a couple and their wedding guests in Ireland when he gave a powerful surprise rendition of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, complete with re-worked lyrics relating to the life the newly-weds were about to begin together.
10. World banana supply at risk
A disease damaging banana crops in Southeast Asia has spread to the Middle East and Africa, posing risks to world supply and trade totalling $8.9 billion, according to the United Nations' Food & Agriculture Organisation.
Photo / Thinkstock
- nzherald.co.nz, APNZ, AP