A Rotorua man has had a close call on the Auckland motorway after a dangerous passing manoeuvre from a trailer-towing car.
A Rotorua man was pleased to get home in one piece after a close call with a car towing a trailer on the Auckland motorway.
After driving up to Auckland yesterday the Rotorua man, who wished to remain anonymous, caught a speeding car towing a trailer narrowly miss the front of his vehicle on his dashcam as it changed lanes.
In the footage he shared with the Rotorua Daily Post a car and trailer can be seen tightly changing lanes to pass a large truck in front.
"I just saw this glimpse and then heard a roar of this car as it cut through the gap.
"It looked pretty close when it happened but I didn't have any time to even swear or anything, I was still moving over and out of the way long after it had passed, that's how quick it was."
He said he was surprised to see a car towing a trailer at that speed and to even see a car attempt a lane change in the small gap, let alone one towing a trailer.
"I was doing 105km off the dashcam and the truck was probably doing 95km, so with the roar and the flash of the car going past it would've been going 120km to 130km.
The incident was caught on a dashcam. Photo / Supplied
"If he had touched the front of my car which was quite possible he would have spun out and I would have driven into the wreck."
He believed motorists needed to be careful on the roads as the school holidays drew closer and especially because of recent crashes in the area.
"The annoying thing is it affects other people not just themselves. If you want to drive like an idiot on an open road by yourself then knock yourself out but don't let it affect other people."
Rotorua road policing co-ordinator Sergeant Joseph Cairns said police urged drivers to take responsibility for their driving and the safety of their passengers and other road users.
"We all need to look after each other.
"The actions you take as a driver don't only impact on you but on all the road users around you, and potentially those road users' families and friends."
He said while police were committed to reducing death and injury on our roads they could not do it alone.
If anyone saw dangerous driving that could put lives at risk Cairns said pull over to a safe spot and call 111 or for less serious instances of poor driving call *555.
"Our message to all road users is clear. Don't drive distracted, stay within your own lane, buckle up, watch your speed, and never drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or fatigue."