Right about now, skin that was looking gloriously golden can start to seem muddy and mottled. Whether the problem is too much sun or the fading feeling from being back indoors working, this seasonal malaise needs tackling.
Skin needs lots of love in the form of moisture, protection and perhaps a little helping hand in evening out the colour. In late summer these needs become more pronounced, with dryness and rough bits more to the fore from extra time outdoors. Feet are often the worse for wear and legs can be looking a bit scaly.
Now is a good time to consider booking body treatments and pedicures so your bare legs and sandal toes can carry you through another few months of warm weather with confidence. There is also much you can do at home with regular self-maintenance. Start by exfoliating in the shower, followed by plenty of body lotion or oil all over and more intense applications on problem areas.
Using body bronzers, fake tan or slower-acting gradual tan moisturiser makes more sense to me at this time of year, when you're no longer lily white. Rather than emerging looking obviously artificial, as can happen in spring, applying these sun cheats now will top up the touch of tan you have inevitably acquired naturally.