A circle of Carterton business owners and workers are up in arms about "crazy" side street parking limits they say threatens their trade.
Leia Cooper, owner of Headquarters Hair & Beauty in Carterton, said three of her workers were last week hit with fines of $40 each for exceeding the one-hour limit in roadside parking spaces outside her business in Belvedere St.
Mrs Cooper said the fines handed down to her workers would be contested because information cited on the tickets was incomplete.
Crystal Thompson, Wild Oats bakery and cafe manager, said two workers from the cafe, which is located across the road from the beauty salon, also received tickets for similar offences the same day.
Carterton district did not have parking meters and the hour limit on Belverdere Rd ran both sides of the street from the High St roundabout to Masson St. The parking spaces in High St had 90-minute limits and, in Holloway St, the limit was 30 minutes.