Mr Alsop has recently returned from the 2014 ANZ Young Farmers Contest in Christchurch, where he placed fifth. His nominator, for the Sheep and Beef consultant category, said he had great all-round consulting skills. "He is very adept at matching potential outcomes to the capability of both the land and the farmer. He has made such a difference in our business, over and above the call of duty."
Mr Lewis, nominated for the Dairy Consultant category, was described as "a true visionary and leader of the industry".
Farmax general manager Gavin McEwen said it was great to see such a high standard of talent and skills among the nominations.
"The customer feedback about each of the nominees was positive and clearly shows an appreciation of the invaluable services that rural professionals provide farmers with," said Mr McEwen.
A $20,000 award prize pool for the three categories includes a paid overseas study trip, contribution towards professional development, and funds to take paid hours off work to complete a project or initiative that will benefit the pastoral farming industry.
The winners will be selected by the judging panel later this month.
Nominations are still open for a fourth award, the NZX Agri Farmers Choice Award, which enables farmers to recognise a consultant who does an exceptional job for his or her peers, the community and the industry.
Farmers can vote online.
The winners of each category will be named at the NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management (NZIPIM) conference awards dinner in Hamilton on August 4.
Mr McEwen said the Consultant of the Year Awards were developed last year to recognise the expertise and value agricultural consultants and rural professionals provide to the pastoral farming industry, which often goes unnoticed.