Thousands of protesters took to the streets in 11 cities across the country yesterday to voice their concerns at plans to widen the powers of the Government's spy agency.
More than 2,000 attended a rally in Auckland, where Kim Dotcom told the crowd the GCSB invaded his privacy simply because Hollywood moguls disliked his business. "If they can do that to me they can do that to any of you."
Labour leader David Shearer urged Kiwis to copy John Key in on their emails, and pledged to dump the bill if Labour won the election. Singers serenaded the crowd with a song about democracy that included the line "now a Dunne deal could destroy it overnight".
Protesters massed in Queen St beside the Town Hall. "One nation under CCTV" one placard read. "John Key stop reading my sexts," said another.
Image 1 of 14: Protestors at a rally at Aotea Square against the proposed new GCSB legislation. Photo / Chris Loufte