A recruitment agency hired by the State Services Commission in 2004 is thought to have been the first to discover that top Beehive official Mary Anne Thompson did not have a PhD.
The agency was hired by then State Services Commissioner Michael Wintringham to help fill the post of chief executive of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Mary Anne Thompson was acting head of the department and was seeking to replace Dr Mark Prebble, who had taken a few months' leave before taking up his post as State Services Commissioner.
The Herald understands she withdrew her application shortly after Mr Wintringham discussed the agency's finding with her. Maarten Wevers got the job.
Mr Wintringham did not pass on the information until two weeks ago. Dr Prebble has referred the matter to the police.
Mary Anne Thompson resigned as head of the Immigration Service last week. It then emerged police were being called to look into allegations she did not have the qualifications she claimed to have.
Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard confirmed last night he had hired Ms Thompson in the late 1980s when he was director of the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research.
"But I am not going to comment, however, on any of the current debate around degrees, at least without taking some advice on it," he said.
Meanwhile National says it is not convinced by Labour ministers' claims they knew nothing about problems at the Pacific branch of the Immigration Service. It has been revealed that a review into the Pacific branch was launched after 19 cases of serious offences proven between 2004 and 2007.