In an unusual pre-Christmas theft, two valuable breast pumps have been taken from Waikato Hospital's newborn intensive care unit.
The pumps, each worth $2000, went missing some time between Monday evening and yesterday morning, and staff are sure they have been stolen.
The unit, which currently has 24 newborn premature and sick babies, now has only one breast pump used by nearly all the mothers.
"Some of these babies were born at 24 weeks so they're here for 15-20 weeks," said charge nurse Cathy McBride.
"So to lose two of our three breast pumps is very frustrating and we're all upset about this, including the mothers."
Until recently, the breast pumps were chained in a room as it was not the first time they have gone missing.
In the past, thieves have also taken digital cameras from the unit which were used to take pictures of babies near the end of their lives, or if the mother was unable to see her baby.
They have even attempted to take away a sofa, Ms McBride said.
Police are investigating the latest theft.