Though I doubt that the flurry of "what next" for the America's Cup has had much to do with a certain nautical influence invading the current glossies, stripes are again making waves.
Given that the fashion focus has been pretty psychedelic of late with lightning shocks and jolts of flowers, spots, rainbow colours, digital images, geometrics and a profusion of loud coloured paint splashes adorning the catwalk, a simple strip of lines could offer cathartic relief. The fresh crispness of a Breton top or striped shirt certainly still holds its own; but such immersion in the techno world is proving hard to shake off.
Stripes today are big and chunky, multi-hued, uneven, head to toe and bold. And it doesn't stop there. Try superimposing a flower print right on top of a strip of stripes. Or a series of stars sprinkled like the Milky Way on top of a band of symmetric lines.
Whoever heard of a spotted shirt, striped full skirt and a floral belt until now? Palettes of indigo, fuchsia, ink, canary and luminous lime pack a power punch placed stripe by stripe. Fashion is, right now, on a millennium ride to the moon away from subtlety. Look at Prada, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Celine: a clashing cacophony of silent sound-bites and fabulous fun.