Willie Jackson: The way I see it is that a successful merger between TVNZ and RNZ will need the guiding hand of a media slut.
Simon Bridges: I had just filed 300 words on the meaning of life for Grocery News and was about to start work on apodcast version of my book, when Willie Jackson called.
Willie Jackson: I said to Simon, “Job going with TV and radio.”
TVNZ: Tonight on Seven Sharp, a singing dolphin. Photo / 123rf
TVNZ: Tonight on Seven Sharp, a singing dolphin.
RNZ: Our next guest on Morning Report is a quivering mass of jelly. Thank you for joining us, Paul Goldsmith.
Willie Jackson: Both organisations are keen to share news content.
RNZ: Private consultants working on the public media mega-merger are on contracts worth up to almost $9000 a week, and an average of almost $6000 a week.
TVNZ: Private consultants working on the public media mega-merger are on contracts worth up to almost $9000 a week, and an average of almost $6000 a week.
Jacinda Ardern: Consultants earning up to almost $9000 a week! Sounds about right.
Willie Jackson: Our handling of the merger is transparent.
Melissa Lee: As National’s broadcasting spokesperson, I asked Willie Jackson for a cost-benefit analysis of the $370 million merger of TVNZ and RNZ.
Willie Jackson: I told Melissa Lee to come see me in my office and I’d show her the paperwork.
Melissa Lee: I went to his office but he wasn’t there.
Jacinda Ardern: Transparency! Never going to happen.
Willie Jackson: I ran into Kris Faafoi.
Kris Faafoi: I said to him, “You don’t look well. How’s it going?”
Willie Jackson: I told him that the merger was a dog and no one wanted it and it was a waste of money and time.
Kris Faafoi: I said, “Do you want my advice?”
Willie Jackson: I went back to the office and added another $9000 contract to the merger budget.