Party whip has eye on re-election and young son learning to talk
Do you have a personal goal for 2014? To re-win my seat of Botany and to see National win the election at the end of the year.
That couldn't be more boring. I'd like to do well serving my constituents and I was very thankful and proud of the fact that the Prime Minister asked me to be one of the Government whips at the start of (last) year. When you are a backbencher, progression is always important so I would like to continue to do well on my job as an MP and hope the forward progression continues.
Do you have any personal goals? We've got an 18-month-old son, Henry, and this year was pretty cool. We got to see him celebrate his first birthday and learn to walk. He's starting to talk. So if I had one goal for 2014 it would probably be to just try to carve out a little bit more time in my diary to spend with Henry.
What was a personal highlight of this past year? Henry. He's healthy and happy and just a bundle of joy and we're thoroughly enjoying being parents, and that whip's job I mentioned. Another highlight was the US ambassador selected me to attend a two-week seminar at the East-West Centre in Honolulu. It was about social and economic transformation in the Asia-Pacific region.