What have you found most rewarding about the past year? Probably the work on the Keep Our Assets petition because we are very close to lodging that with the Clerk's Office and getting a referendum. MPs had a target for the spring collection - 360 signatures in a month - so we have been out on the ground encouraging people to sign, talking about the whole issue.
Has there been a low point? Probably the Local Government bill going through the House, the Mixed Ownership bill going through and the Exclusive Economic Zone bill going through. We've now got legislation where potentially having oil exploration is a permitted activity so the scope for doing the right thing there, of getting a world-leading system of oceans management, and we ... have got such permissive legislation that doesn't safeguard the oceans or promote sustainable development.
What is the most frustrating thing about working at Parliament? The range of issues you have to deal with and not being able to deal with them with the depth I would have before coming here. And when you get a bill like the Local Government Bill with over 600 submissions and the Government wouldn't change anything significant in the bill. You see a huge amount of time and energy being put in by individuals and organisations into the law-making process at the heart of democracy and yet that just being disregarded.
What MP outside your party impresses you? Probably Lianne Dalziel [Labour] for her commitment in Christchurch particularly to Christchurch East and the huge amount of constituency work that she does. Also I admire Charles Chauvel [Labour] for his sharp mind, cool analysis and generous spirit.