Observations, photos and feedback from the community have detailed the successful breeding season of the Caspian tern at Onoke Spit during the 2012/2013 season.
Community group Friends of Onoke Spit (FOOS) and members from the Masterton Ornithological Society (OSNZ) have visited the spit during the Caspian tern breeding season to count nests, eggs and chicks.
Denise MacKenzie of FOOS said the spit is often influenced by severe weather which can significantly affect bird breeding success.
Three visits by OSNZ during the season have witnessed a number of Caspian terns nesting with the resulting success captured in stunning photos by local photographer Pete Monk.
The behaviour of drivers using Onoke Spit during this year's Caspian tern breeding season has been applauded by the Department of Conservation (DoC).