Feelings could be running high tonight as One Tree Hill and Greenlane residents living around Cornwall Park meet to talk about a controversial leasehold deal.
The Cornwall Park Trust Board has invited the residents leasing its 110 properties to discuss revisions and the creation of a modern lease, but residents remain upset about big valuation and payment rises, reviewed only every 21 years.
Auckland Council this week released new data on revaluations of 525,000 properties which showed biggest jumps in the Maungakiekie Tamaki area which includes One Tree Hill.
Properties in that area are up an average 44 per cent in value in the last three years, compared to the entire Auckland region, up 33 per cent, the council said.
John Clark, board chairman, invited lessees to tonight's meeting at 6.30pm at the Carlton Cornwall Bowling Club, 126 Market Rd, saying the new lease would be discussed.