"Although they are far from the only offender, they are certainly one of the highest-profile and continue to profit from a crisis that has left so many New Zealanders without healthy, affordable or secure homes."
Quinovic has made headlines a number of times for charging unfair fees, publishing false advertising, encouraging landlords to squeeze their tenants for higher rents, and evicting people for being pregnant.
Campbell says New Zealand's housing crisis has been worsening under both Labour and National Governments and something has to give.
"We are living in damaged housing, paying unreasonable bonds, and enduring landlords and property managers who show up at random. Without long-term leases, we have no security about where we live. We are paying sometimes over half our income on rent, and yet we can't call these homes our own."
While she says it is easy to despair over the state of it, Tenants Action Wellington aims to put some of the power back in the hands of tenants in the form of a list of demands.
The ten demands include abolishing bonds, banning property inspections and reference checks for tenants and minimum leases of five years – as well as eviction bans during the winter.
Tenants Action Wellington is asking Quinovic to enact this list in its policy as a sign of good faith.
"This would be a significant gesture to recognise its duty to operate ethically in its position of power over tenants and would set an example that other landlords and property managers can follow."
The full list is as follows.
1. All rent prices permanently lowered to 25 per cent of the lowest benefit.
2. Landlords must provide evidence they're addressing repairs, including accessibility issues, within one week of being notified by tenants.
3. Tenants in substandard housing must be appropriately relocated at landlord's expense during major repairs or renovations.
4. Minimum tenancy length five years. Tenants may exit at will.
5. A permanent end to evictions during cold weather months (May to September), holiday periods, and emergencies such as natural disasters or pandemics.
6. Abolish bond and all substitutes. Hand back all bond from landlord to tenant regardless of contract. Costs of repairing any damages will be covered by existing rent payments.
7. Pets allowed in all flats, including dogs.
8. No entering the property uninvited at all. Flat inspections abolished.
9. Landlords cannot ask prospective tenants for credit checks, employment history or any other references.
10. Landlords must provide 365 days' notice before selling or reoccupying the house.