"It was hard work at the beginning, but it ticks along beautifully now," he said.
It had been a $5 million investment in the community's health.
Being an asthmatic, Mr Francis took a particular interest in the health benefits.
"I see the major difference it makes, respiratory problems especially."
Masterton's Camille Armstrong can vouch for that, with an asthmatic son who had hospital visits annually before insulation being fitted in 2013.
As a family of six, including a baby, the power bills were "going through the roof".
"It was really the condensation, right up the windows," she said. "It was really cold, really moist.
"We only had a heat pump."
After insulating, the condensation reduced dramatically and the house stayed warm.
"Now the sun heats up the house during the day, and the house stays really warm through to next morning.
"We hardly use the heat pump, our power bill shrunk right down."
After the house was insulated, they hadn't had to take their son to hospital.
Govt project
Healthy Homes is a three-year $100 million government insulation programme delivering about 46,000 warmer, drier and healthier homes. The programme is targeted at households (including renters) that have a Community Services Card and are at a high health risk.
EECA works with project partners to target households known to be at high risk from illnesses linked to cold, damp housing. The programme provides grants for up to 60 per cent of the cost of insulation. Project partners, such as trusts, primary health organisations, and iwi, will top up the government grants to provide free insulation to eligible households.
There may be a charge for landlords of eligible tenants.
For more details, google "Wairarapa Healthy Homes".
Details of service providers offering Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes are posted on the ENERGYWISE website. People can also call 0800 749 782 for more information.