Serial rapist Malcolm Rewa has been sentenced to life imprisonment for one of New Zealand's most infamous killings - the 1992 murder of Susan Burdett.
Teina Pora is happy for Susan Burdett's family but says Malcolm Rewa's conviction for her murder "doesn't change what happened" to him.
Pora wrongly served 22 years in prison for the brutal 1992 murder of Burdett, before being freed after a high-profile campaign to clear his name. He was later granted $3.5 million in compensation.
Justice Venning said Rewa "took advantage" of Pora's false confession.
Finally, after McKinnel's efforts with the aid of lawyers Jonathan Krebs and Ingrid Squire, Pora's conviction was quashed by the Privy Council in London in 2015.
Justice for Susan Burdett's family took 27 years.
A 1998 stay of the murder charge against Rewa was lifted in 2017, allowing the third trial to proceed.
McKinnel has described the guilty verdict as "justice merged with truth".
The five trials - three for Rewa and two for Pora - had been tough for Burdett's family, with a great deal of uncertainty and difficult times, he said.
"It always involved two families - Teina's and Susan's, you couldn't deal with one without the other."