A pair of Greytown Primary School teachers are fresh back from a US study tour that opened their eyes to the advent of digital classrooms and paperless schools.
Leigh Perry, Greytown Primary School assistant principal and new entrants teacher, and Year 3 and 4 teacher Rachel Burt visited elementary, middle and high schools in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco as part of a touring contingent of a dozen Kiwi educators studying the classroom use of computers like Apple laptops and iPads.
One of two facilitators on the tour was Masterton educator Innes Kennard, Ms Perry said.
Ms Burt and Ms Perry will help guide the every use of Apple devices at the Greytown Primary School, where the technology was introduced about six years ago. Apple devices are today used throughout all classes at the school with senior students each using an Apple computer every school day.
"We've always been an Apple school. Today it's not necessarily one-to-one for every pupil but every pupil in the school does use an Apple laptop or iPad daily," Ms Burt said.