Teachers and supporters will rally in Masterton on Saturday as part of a nationwide protest against planned Government education reforms that "undermine New Zealand's quality public education system", says Wairarapa teacher union leader Beryl Thomson.
Mrs Thomson said the rally, which will run from 11am in the Masterton Library Square in Queen St on Saturday, aims to highlight "the extent of the deep concern in the community over policies that will be very damaging for children's education".
The Masterton rally will mirror similar gatherings in towns and cities the length of the country on Saturday that are being organised by NZEI Te Riu Roa members, who together represent 50,000 New Zealand education workers.
"Our Government is intent on following education policies that have seen student achievement drop, not grow, in other countries. The Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) agenda of introducing competition, charter schools, privatisation, standardised learning, performance pay and school league tables is an unsuccessful experiment," Mrs Thomson said.
"It creates winner and loser schools, blames and shames teachers and communities and forces children into 'one-size-fits-all' learning," she said.