Dog-poop and littering are as much of a concern to people as larger global enviro-issues. So says the findings of a recent UK study. This is only natural. We see litter all around us, and we step in dog poop. Very few people look outside and say, "Is that the sea that's covered the lawn? When did that happen?"
The Fabian Society, who conducted the survey, concluded that what was needed to rectify this was a public holiday. Only it wouldn't be a holiday as such. This officially sanctioned day-off would be used to reinvigorate people's interest in the state of their local environment. If people care more about their immediate surroundings, they argue, they will care more about the bigger picture. And just to ensure people don't bunk off for a long weekend, they suggested the day off be held midweek.
Naturally many people will ignore it, choosing instead to do what many do on public holidays and either start a personal project they'll never finish, or go to the beach. It could be argued that if they delay thinking about larger issues the beach will eventually come to them.
To my knowledge, no candidate or party here has called for a public holiday in order to have a bit of a tidy up. Imagine the consternation if they did. The air will echo with the sound of people deriding the notion. "Nanny state doesn't have the right to tell us to tidy up after ourselves, and certainly not after others!"