The family of a murdered West Auckland woman have called for a tough sentence for her killer.
At a community meeting in Te Atatu tonight, an email from the son-in-law of 69-year-old Cunxiu Tian was read to the more than 100 concerned residents present.
The family were "amazed and heartened" by the support they'd received over the last couple of weeks, he said, and were thankful for all the love and care sent their way.
He called on Te Atatu residents to sign a petition to lobby the Government and courts for a tough sentence for Mrs Tian's killer.
Ms Tian's son-in-law also spoke of his and his wife's love of the Te Atatu Peninsula.
"We love the peninsula, love the people here and always felt it was such a safe place to live. The tragedy of what occurred on the 15th of this month was so shocking."