Items dumped in one of the Haukore Street sections. Photo / John Borren / Sun Media
Items dumped in one of the Haukore Street sections. Photo / John Borren / Sun Media
Couches, blankets and a broken pram are just some of the items that have been dumped in an empty section in the Tauranga suburb of Hairini.
While illegal dumping happens everywhere, it is the final straw for some residents who are frustrated with a lack of action from Kāinga Ora.
The 10 lots on Haukore St are owned by the state housing agency and despite being fenced off, have become a dumping ground and are overgrown with weeds.
Most of the lots were cleared of the 1960s houses in preparation for the planned build of 21 new homes, but it has been two years since some of the homes were vacated and fenced off.
He said the sections have been mowed once or twice since demolition, which started in October 2021.
Fellow resident Graham Hopkins said before the homes were pulled down the lawns were mowed regularly by a contractor.
"It was quite tidy, but as soon as they started knocking them down, it's all turned to custard.
"They should be doing something about keeping them clean and tidy until they start building."
Zara McIndoe, who also lives on the street, said the sections were an "eyesore" and "embarrassing for residents".
Kāinga Ora Bay of Plenty regional director Darren Toy said the homes had been demolished in different stages with nine of the 11 demolished, one under way and a newly purchased home about to be demolished.
"We are aware that people are dumping rubbish on the sites, which is really disappointing, and we are doing our best to remove this when possible."
He said it had scheduled work to tidy up the sections and remove overgrown vegetation and rubbish.
"This work will take place as soon as possible given the current Covid situation, which has impacted on contractor availability.
"We also have security fencing in place around the vacant sites."
"This meant some of these former houses were made empty ahead of their demolition or possible relocation.
"Kāinga Ora was also in discussions with a hapū to relocate the remaining vacant properties on Haukore St, however the hapū chose not to take these homes and the decision was made to demolish them instead."
He said construction on the 21 new homes was expected to start later this year.
This is a change from what Toy said previously. In September 2021 Toy said work could start on site in early-mid 2022, with completion of the new homes expected in 2023.
An artist's impression of the new homes. Photo / Kāinga Ora
"Plans have been submitted to [Tauranga City] Council for resource consent and we will share with the community once these plans are approved - likely in the coming weeks," he said.
Hopkins was looking forward to the homes being finished.
"There have been big piss-ups that wind up with half a dozen police or even AOS coming out.
"You're sitting on your deck and you see somebody running down the road screaming holding a machete or an axe."
The scene of the shooting in January 2020. Photo / John Borren / Sun Media
Another resident, Mary, said there were issues with gangs and homes and cars being broken in to.
"I think they've learned from the past how the neighbourhood turned out."
In response to residents' concerns, Toy said: "It's important to keep in mind the vast majority of the almost 200,000 people who live in Kāinga Ora homes are good neighbours and members of their communities.
"Less than 1 per cent of our tenancies receive complaints about disruptive behaviour, and this number has decreased year-on-year since 2017 as we continue to enhance the support we provide our customers.
"When issues arise we respond quickly to resolve them, working intensively with people and whānau to uncover the root cause and address the issue.
"We usually get good results from the support we provide, often involving wider support services and networks.
"We never want anyone to feel unsafe in their home or neighbourhood."