Radical policies needed if mid-point goal of 10 per cent national smoking rate by 2018 is to be achieved.
The Government has adopted a target of reducing the national smoking rate to 10 per cent and halving the Maori and Pacific rates by 2018.
However, a leading tobacco control researcher doubts the targets can be met - unless radical policies, such as much larger tax increases and much bigger smoke-free areas, are imposed.
The targets are "mid-point" goals on the way to achieving the Government's hopes for "essentially a smoke-free nation" by 2025. "Essentially smoke-free" has never been formally defined, but is generally taken to mean prevalence of less than 5 per cent, although some experts suggest 3 per cent.
The halving of the Pacific rate and near-halving of the Maori rate is based on these ethnic groups' 2009 smoking rates of 30 per cent and 44 per cent respectively.