Donations of extra sanitary packs could be dropped off in specially marked bins in store, he said.
"This small gesture will make a big difference and go a long way to helping women who might be struggling to afford these products each month."
Wall said the campaign aimed to help make sure no women were held back from participating in society because they couldn't access sanitary products.
"Female sanitary products are not a luxury, but for young Kiwi women on tight budgets they're an expense that's hard to afford. Without these products, young women are staying at home and missing precious time at school or university," she said.
"We know that some women and young girls are choosing to stay home when they have their period and university students are choosing not to catch the bus or eat.
"Others are creating makeshift products or even recycling used pads, which is unhygienic and can put their health at risk from infection or sickness, all because they cannot afford sanitary products."
Major Pam Waugh, from the Salvation Army, said food banks around the country were rarely donated women's hygiene products yet they were an essential for families.
"The response online to donations of sanitary products have been outstanding, but that's only reaching the main centres and we absolutely know there is a need for these products across New Zealand.
"There are too many young women going without basic hygiene products and sadly we know some are resorting to theft, which has resulted in our young women getting convictions and sentencing."
Owner of Parakai Four Square Daniel Dale has also decided to do his bit to help.
From Easter Monday until the end of April he will donate one pack of Pams or Neu brand sanitary items to the Helensville Women and Family Centre for every one bought in his store. With more expensive items he would donate one for every two sold.
"I've seen it in the media for the last couple of months. It spurred me in to doing something with it this time," he said.
Mr Dale said Pams had come on board and offered to provide the products at a discounted price to help cover the cost of the donated items.
The campaign would include about 40 products including nappies, toothbrushes and razors as well as sanitary items.
Mr Dale was hoping to be able to donate a couple of thousand items.
He said Pams and Neu had also signalled they were willing to talk to other store owners about running similar campaigns.