How foreign homebuyers will foot the bill for National’s $14.6 billion plan, funerals take place for the victims in the Australian mushroom mystery and get ready for the last blue supermoon for a decade. Video / NZ Herald / Getty
A night of astronomical significance awaits the country and keen photographers are prepping their gear as they ready to enjoy tonight’s super blue moon.
The lunar phenomenon occurs approximately once a decade, combining the second full moon in a month with a super moon, which appears bigger and brighter in the sky.
It’s an occasion that will mean something different to everyone.
Some will simply glance out their window tonight and observe the moon appears closer than normal - 20,000km closer according to Auckland Planetarium’s Rob Davison.
Those wanting a casual peek to see the moon’s size will want to fix their gaze around 6pm, said Davison, just as the moon rises.
Super blue moon rises over Auckland, viewed from the Waitakere Ranges. Photo / Michael Craig
“That’s because your eyes can see hills, trees and buildings - all these points of reference so [the moon] has the appearance of looking much bigger,” he said.
“Where you are on the ground doesn’t make a difference.”
For a small minority, however, tonight’s plans are to drink large quantities of coffee and set up camera gear in peculiar locations as they bid to snap the perfect photo.
Award-winning night photographer Mark Gee knows a thing or two about capturing this lunar attraction.
The Astronomy Photographer of the Year winner said capturing the moon comes down to a mixture of equipment, preparation and technique.
Gee recommended budding photographers pick something to place in the foreground of their photo, such as people or buildings.
Super blue moon rises over Auckland, viewed from the Waitakere Ranges. Photo / Michael Craig
“You want to be a long way from that foreground, which gives the ‘small people in front of the huge moon’ look that my photos have,” he said.
Photographers have a couple of ways to shoot tonight’s moon, one option is to use a stationary tripod and fast shutter speeds to counteract the Earth and moon’s rotation.
The super blue moon sets behind the Balmoral Clock in Edinburgh on Thursday. Photo / AP
Cameras will need a “good” focal lens to best capture tonight’s moon, at least 400mm.
Award-winning night photographer, Mark Gee has given advice on capturing tonight's lunar activity. Photo / Mark Gee
“The disadvantage to long focal lens length is you really need to lock it down on a tripod, especially in places like Wellington today - where it’s quite windy,” said Gee.
“But with it you’ll shoot some impressive photos.”
Photographers might also use instruments to track the moon, which helps to take photos with long exposures.
Gee offers a word of advice to novice photographers - don’t shoot the moon when it first appears on the horizon.
“You’ve got atmospheric refraction which bends the light of the moon, so you won’t have a perfectly sharp image,” he said.
“Wait until it’s high in the sky - you won’t have as much atmospheric influence and you’ll get a sharper photo.”
Preparation is key: Gee spent the week before the blue moon’s arrival scouting ideal shooting locations, using GPS and planning apps to get his camera’s positioning correct.
The Wellington-based photographer will be at his choice spot for tonight, Evans Bay, two hours before moonrise to ready his gear.
Mark Gee, award-winning night photographer talks about shooting tonight's Blue Super Moon. Photo / Mark Gee
He noted Mt Victoria will also have good vantage points for photography.
Landscape photographer, Danny Rood will be in Christchurch for tonight’s lunar event.
He’s found a spot on the Rapaki track, at the base of the Port Hills which he reckons will make a good snap.
Rood said clear skies make for good photos; temperature won’t make much of a difference.
“Knowing when and where is really important,” he told the Herald.
MetService has good news on the conditions front: clear skies are forecast for many parts of the country wanting to sneak a peek at the super moon.
However, this morning’s thick fog in Auckland is likely to return tomorrow morning - which might hamper moon gazing around Tāmaki Makaurau and Hamilton.
The east of the South Island will be in for a viewing treat, according to meteorologist Dom Barry, but those on the West Coast and in the far south “may struggle to get a peep”.