About 14,000 coastal Northland properties have been identified as at risk from climate change-related flooding and erosion, compared to 1090 at the last review 10 years ago.
Following public consultation, the information would go on property files and may have insurance implications for owners and planning implications for local authorities.
The data comes from Northland Regional Council's coastal flood and coastal erosion zone maps, expected to be released in June, which identify around 14,000 properties that could experience severe flooding once a year by 2100.
The flood and erosion modelling took into account a sea level rise of 1m by the end of the century, in line with the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change's most recent predictions.
Even a sea level rise of 30cm by 2100, considered to be the best case scenario, would see today's once-in-100-year storm event happening every year or so. The NRC maps would show which areas would be inundated during such an event.