They woke up exhausted, went to bed hungry, and all of them at some time or another had wanted to go home. But 10 Makoura College Services Academy students are today fresh back in class after surviving and successfully passing a 12-day boot camp in Waiouru.
Four of the students talked to the Wairarapa Times-Age about the military induction course, to which their counterparts from six other services academies throughout the North Island also had travelled late last month.
Makoura College academy platoon sergeant Rheegin Anderson-McKenzie, 17, had been on a similar course last year and welcomed the opportunity during her second year at the academy to take a leadership role.
"It was a good, new experience and even though I was there last year this time it was different. It was physically and mentally exhausting and challenging."
Ms Anderson-McKenzie, who is aiming for a Navy career as a hydrographics surveying officer, said the academy students started each boot camp day at 5.30am and retired at 6pm, and each received strictly rationed food at meal breaks.