Dunedin police frustrated at students' failure to reduce burglaries by securing flats are now appealing landlords to instal automatic door-close mechanisms.
Dunedin-Clutha police area commander Inspector Dave Campbell said they received multiple reports of thefts of laptops, ipods and other electrical goods from unlocked Dunedin student flats on a weekly basis.
Police and the university had tried for years to educate Dunedin's younger students by campaigns, reminders and visits, night and day, but to no avail, he told The Otago Daily Times.
So they were now turning their attention to landlords.
"Until we can convince landlords to fit automatic door-closers and combination entry locks on all flat doors, the relatively high rate of burglaries will continue."
Mr Campbell said police had spoken to several landlords over the past year, but "they are not keen as this would involve additional expense for them - probably a few hundred dollars per flat", Insp Campbell said.
Student flats easy pickings for Dunedin burglars
Photo / Thinkstock
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