Prior to the incident that claimed the victim’s life, Detective Senior Sergeant Tim Leitch revealed the teenager had been involved in a family harm incident with a family member.
“The information gathered to date indicates that the man died as a result of injuries sustained accidentally and police will be referring his death to the Coroner,” Leitch said.
Police officers completed their scene examination at the Raukawa St property today but are continuing to conduct interviews with family members of the deceased man, as well as residents of neighbouring properties.
Police at the scene of a family harm incident where a man died at a property on Raukawa St in Strathmore, Wellington. Photo / Georgina Campbell
The post-mortem examination will be conducted tomorrow.
The property is one of many Kāinga Ora homes on the street.
A Kāinga Ora spokesperson said the government agency would be checking in with people living around the property to see if they need support.
A local dairy owner said the victim was a regular customer who, he understood, lived with his grandparents and siblings.
“I knew him well. He was a nice person, I had absolutely no issues with him.
“It’s just so sad that someone so young, his life ends like this.”
Some residents still have trouble getting to sleep at night after one particularly violent incident happened just across the road from where the young man died.
The murder was the result of a culmination of a history of threats and violence towards his wife, Eman Hurmiz, depression and an abnormal jealousy over her imagined infidelity.
Once his wife had died, Dawood attempted to commit suicide but was revived by emergency services.