Fears a bulldozer might have to be called in to tow a stranded digger from Henley Lake were put to rest yesterday when a rescue crew managed to start the machine and coax it to shore.
Back on dry land after a night amid the wind-driven waves, the digger will soon again be traversing the lake to help with the relocation of most of a small island.
Deputy mayor Graham McClymont, who is overseeing the work to be done on the island, said the digger had come to no lasting harm, there had been no oil spills, no water had got into the sump and there had been no environmental damage caused by the hiccup.
On Monday one of two diggers had made its way safely to the island but the second digger became stranded part way across mainly due to infiltration caused by wind-driven wave action.
Mr McClymont and his rescue crew took fresh batteries over to the stricken digger and by powering up the back of the starter motor managed to fire it up.