Starting next year, it seems, they will be told they wasted their time. Reinforcing the age-old myth that anyone who knows their subject can teach it, graduates with a bare minimum of teaching theory will be put in the classroom on an equal footing with qualified professionals.
Teach First NZ's website says these unqualified, inexperienced teachers can expect a salary of "around $37,000" in their first year - what a slap in the face for their qualified neighbours on their starting salary of $36,523. The inequity increases when one factors in the $6257 in tuition fees that qualified teachers have to spend to complete their graduate teaching diploma.
A more appropriate starting salary for an unqualified Teach First NZ teacher would be the standard starting pay rate for any other unqualified teacher: $30,000. But this pay rate might not attract the right candidates to this programme. Such candidates, according to Teach First NZ's website, would be "hard-working" and "enthusiastic" and "energetic".
But let us just assume there is some merit to this scheme. In this fantasy world, there should be no practical and meaningful difference between the two groups of teachers. In this scenario, there is no reason why these six-week wonders should be sent only to "hard-to-staff low-decile schools". Surely, if their teaching skills are comparable to those of real teachers, they should be as attractive in the upper deciles of Newmarket and Epsom as they are in the schools of South Auckland.
But as long as we fail to address the staffing difficulties faced by the lower-decile schools, then we insult their students by telling them that although central Auckland's grammar schools are entitled to skilled, trained and dedicated professionals, lesser economic status means they should be grateful for whomever their schools can get to stand up in front of a class.
At a time when the teaching profession is undervalued and underpaid in New Zealand, to introduce a two-tier system serves only to denigrate the profession more.
Doctors are in short supply, but nobody is suggesting a fast track to the operating theatre. Airlines in New Zealand are recruiting fairly aggressively, but I have yet to see a "learn to fly in the cockpit of a Boeing" programme being mooted.
Teaching, despite its ever-diminishing status, is a respectable and noble profession.
It behoves the Ministry of Education and the Teachers' Council to use what funds they have to recruit gifted, skilled and committed teachers to the most needy schools, not to provide a two-year work-experience scheme to unfocused graduates who fancy dipping their toes in the waters of education.
The guinea pigs they practise their teaching on deserve better than to be used as a back door to further erosion of the integrity of the teaching profession.
Steve McCabe is a teacher at a decile 2 school in South Auckland.