I wonder what he wanted.
Gareth Morgan
So there I was, sticking my big old snout into everyone's business, droning on about every subject under the sun, and generally doing all the things that a public intellectual should do except I'm a long way from being an intellectual but right up there with being public, when this Asian guy came to up me wearing orange robes and open-toed sandals, and he started asking me something, so I said to him, "Mate, speak te reo."
Well, that really confused him. It also attracted a crowd. I just happened to have a soapbox on me, so I stood up on it, and declaimed, "It's Waitangi Day again soon, and all of us ought to think pretty hard about what the Treaty means.
"We have a high level of ignorance about the document. We have a major job ahead of us to convince Pakeha that the job is not over."
The crowd began to head for the hills. I started talking louder, but they ran, and hid, and cowered.
I tuned back to the guy in the robes, but when he saw me open my mouth, he legged it. Vanished.
I wonder what he wanted.
Prince Andrew
One invariably minds one's business, but it's important to engage with the public, so when a sweet young Asiatic girl wearing sexy orange robes and cheeky open-toed sandals approached one, one made small talk by saying, "You're a pretty little thing. How old are you? 17? That's a lovely age.
"Do you have girlfriends the same age? I'd like to meet them. The more, the merrier, I say! Haw-haw!
"I notice you have your hand out. I don't carry cash; I find it soils the lining of one's pockets. In any case, Mr Epstein will make the necessary arrangements.
"In the meantime, may I just say what a pretty little hand you have! Smooth. Soft. But with nails that could leave an exciting scratch, I warrant! Haw-haw!
"Look how snugly your hand fits into my royal paw.
"Now, with your other hand, would you mind awfully taking this pen and signing this form which stipulates I had no contact with you?"
She refused, and I legged it. Vanished.
I wonder what's for dinner.
David Bain
Someone who looked like he might be a Buddhist monk came up to me on the street and asked for money.
I said, "I'm a bit strapped for cash at the moment. Come back later. I'm expecting a few funds."
I wonder if he really was a Buddhist monk.
I guess I'll never know.