Just then there was a knock on the door. He expected it would be someone bringing news that he had to stay home during Easter, and he made his way to the door with a slow and heavy hop.
He opened the door and there was Jacinda Ardern.
She took a step backwards and said, "Are you the Easter Bunny?"
He thought about lying and telling her he was Peter Rabbit, but he nodded.
She said, "Turn that frown upside down, Easter Bunny! I am here to announce that the Government has elected you an essential worker."
She said, "You have the right to leave your house and arrange treasure hunts, because what you provide is an essential service."
Well, the Easter Bunny was so happy that he rushed forward to hug her - but she took another step backwards, and said, "That's close enough. You still have to observe the 2m rule."
She told him she hoped he had enough chocolate to go around for all the little boys and girls this Easter.
"That's not a problem," he said. "I've been panic-buying for weeks."
The look on her face made him want to tell her to turn her frown upside down but he thought it best to keep quiet.
It was all go at the Easter Bunny's house! In the morning, there was a knock on the door, and there was National Party leader Simon Bridges.
He said, "I just want to tell you that the National Party supports the Government's decision to elect you as an essential worker. My bottom line is you."
But he got right in the Easter Bunny's face, and he had to remind Mr Bridges of the 2m rule.
National leader Simon Bridges. Photo / Getty Images
Later that day the Tooth Fairy called around. He told the Easter Bunny that Jacinda Ardern had made him an essential worker, too.
"That's ever such good news," said the Easter Bunny. "I think we work well together. I give the children chocolate to rot their teeth, and you reward them with money when their teeth fall out."
"Yes I suppose you could look at it like that," said the Tooth Fairy. "How about we form our own bubble?"
The Easter Bunny said that was a splendid idea, and invited him in for a cup of tea. He offered the Tooth Fairy a chocolate egg, but his guest said no thanks, he didn't eat sugar.
Easter Bunny spent most of the day checking out the gardens of all the little boys and girls, while the Tooth Fairy slept in. The Tooth Fairy was a night-shift worker.
When the Easter Bunny came back, he cooked dinner for the Tooth Fairy, who asked him about his day.
"Well," said the Easter Bunny, "do you know who I saw driving his family 20km to go the beach? David Clark, the Minister of Health. You think he would know better."
"Yes, that's certainly very foolish," agreed the Tooth Fairy.
"You might want to go and visit him tonight with a coin," said the Easter Bunny.
The Tooth Fairy asked, "Why is that?"
The Easter Bunny replied, "Because Jacinda was so cross with him that she kicked his teeth in."
Health Minister David Clark. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Peter Rabbit dropped off some carrots from Mr McGregor's garden.
"Well," the Easter Bunny said to the Tooth Fairy, "it's going to be a busy weekend for the both of us."
"It's good to be employed," said the Tooth Fairy.
Just then there was a knock on the door.
It was Santa. He said, "The elves have been made redundant."