Happy new year! As in really sort of like reasonably or fairly happy new year in an average sense. Personal circumstances may vary – you might have woken up to 2020 in love, on a warm coast surrounded by family, or alone, anxious, afraid, hoping that there was something worthwhile
Steve Braunias: Ominous shadow cast on the start of a new year
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Apocalyptic skies form from the catastrophic Australian bush fires. Photo/Supplied
Global warming and climate change is the revenge of the most powerful force in the
world: the planet. How do you fight that? What can you do to manage that? What hope is there that it isn't going to shake everything up and make life a nightmare for the next generation and the one after that?
Happy new year and good luck to us all. When the going gets tough, I often wonder how Swami Nithyananda is getting on. This guy was the subject of one of those one-paragraph news in brief items a few months ago; he'd decided to set up on his country, the Republic of Kailaasa, on an island near Ecuador. He claims he can see through walls. He claims he has cured 82 children of blindness. He claims he can communicate with cows.
Okay so he sounds like a silly old moo, just another fakir. But maybe he's got the right idea. Strike another match, go start anew. His own country, his own nirvana. I bet it's a nice place to build a seaside bach. Somewhere remote, somewhere peaceful. Somewhere to see in the new year without a care in the world about what happens to the rest of the world.
We used to be able to call that place New Zealand.