Gay equality could draw home expats and boost economy, writes Dr Stephen Rainbow, chairman of the board of Outline, a gay counselling service, and board member of the Aids Foundation.
At a time when New Zealand is losing 1000 people a week to the rich pickings of Western Australia, has anyone thought that legalising gay marriage might be one way of attracting people back?
Researchers have often observed the disproportionate number of gay Kiwis living in Australia's cities. The reasons they have gone there are fairly obvious and are to do with the larger pool of potential "mates", a result of the size of the gay populations and the resulting facilities and infrastructure in places such as Sydney and Melbourne. But these Kiwis are among the very people this country most needs as we struggle to build a prosperous economy.
While we know far too little about gay people (at least Australia, unlike New Zealand, has a question on sexual orientation in its Census) it would be a fair assumption that the gay Kiwis living in Australia would be the kind of people who could bring back with them the creativity and ingenuity our economy needs.
An economist friend remarked recently that the future of New Zealand's primary sector lies in Auckland. He was referring to the fact that the ideas for turning agricultural produce into value-added products for export will come from the hot-house of ideas and innovation that are largely concentrated in Auckland's CBD. It is no coincidence that the head office of Fonterra is in downtown Auckland.