Supanee was stabbed 15 times in an horrific attack that left her critical. Besides the physical injury, the psychological and financial harm is ongoing
The family of the woman who was stabbed 15 times are "overwhelmed and humbled" with the outpouring of public support.
Supanee Saensree, 31, told the Herald her story of when she was attacked in Auckland while she lay sleeping with her 18-month-old daughter on August 5.
She suffered wounds to her face, hands and back. Emergency services were surprised she survived.
Saensree and her fiance, Roger McRae, spoke out to fundraise for her ongoing medical treatment.
Stabbing victim Supanee Saensree after an 11 hour surgery to stitch up her wounds. Photo / Supplied
As of tonight, her Givealittle page had raised $4260 and Humm radio station had up to 10 calls from people offering presents and help.
McRae said the financial help would go a long way to helping Saensree recover. The couple will spend it on extra treatments that aren't covered by ACC.
"She was holding off on some of the physio treatments because she knew she had to pay for her mum's new visa. But now she can get to everything she needs to," he said.
As well as being grateful for the money, the couple are touched by the well wishers who have reached out with their condolences. McRae said they were both surprised at the response. Tonight they will sit down together and read through the nice sentiments people have written.
"It'll be quite an emotional time just to see it there and hear that people care."
Four months ago Saensree was stabbed repeatedly. She ran with her child in her arms, screaming for help before collapsing on the kerb in a pool of her own blood.
"I tried to hold the baby tight and protect her," she said later.
"It was hard to breathe because blood came out of my mouth. Blood spilt on the road and on my baby.
"I thought I was going to die."
Saensree, who moved to New Zealand from Thailand five years ago, was rushed to hospital fighting for her life.
Her lung collapsed and her ribs were fractured from a deep wound in her back. Her face and hands were badly slashed.
Police called McRae at work and told him to go to a quiet place and sit down. When he heard what had happened he said "holy s***" and was quickly rushed to hospital by police to be with her.
McRae, 40, walked into her hospital room and the floor was covered in blood. She had an 11-hour surgery the next day, "basically to sew her up", he said.
Stabbing victim Supanee Saensree with her fiance Roger McRae and their children before an horrific attack in which she was stabbed 15 times in August. Photo / Supplied
McRae said they haven't told their children what happened except that "mum got hurt".
Saensree also has a 4-year-old son who lives with the couple.
"The kids were shocked when they first saw her," McRae said.
"They all cried and didn't want to go near her."
Now Saensree is struggling. She gets panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares and can't sleep through the night. Physically she can't bend down, her hands aren't strong and she can't pick up her children.
She spent her savings on flying her mum out from Thailand to help her. She tried to go back to work at a sushi shop but has pulled back now as it was hindering her recovery.
The family had been staying with a relative for a year trying to save money for a house. But being homeowners has "gone out the window" with endless medical expenses, McRae said.